Silly Quotes


Lynn Yandell, an attendee of one of my sessions, sent me this list of (sometimes embarassing) things that I said while presenting.  Thanks to Lynn for recording this stuff, to say nothing of sitting down and actually listening attentively for five days in a row.  Now that's stamina!


"Hey, bits is bits, right?"  -  Ed Skoudis, June 4, 2002


"...and don't forget, there will be free beer at the Linux mini-workshop..."  -  Ed Skoudis, June 5, 2002


"Some percent of your user base will be evil."  -  Ed Skoudis, June 5, 2002


"I can hack myself. I can also steal cookies from myself."  -  Ed Skoudis, June 5, 2002


"Never display a user back to a password."  -  Ed Skoudis, June 5, 2002


"The gentleman asked, 'Should I kiss my own box?'"  -  Ed Skoudis, June 5, 2002 (In a comment repeating a question from the audience on the KIS Kernel Intrusion System)


"These aren't the droids you're looking for..."  -  Ed Skoudis, June 5, 2002 (In a comment regarding hidden file streams)


"Your users? Ninety percent of them are idiots. You know that."  -  Ed Skoudis, June 5, 2002


"115 is down!" -- Ed Skoudis, October 24, 2002, after being reminded by 10 students that this machine had crashed during the hacker workshop.


During October, 2003, Edgar B. Tijerino recorded this quote during a session in New York City:

•"Ahh! the ghetto that is Windows!"